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Saturday, October 23, 2010

Peaceful love

 By Lucía Rivero Boni.

Katara had a special relationship with Aang. She usually felt as his inexperienced mother or older sister. She had the emotional responsibility to take care of the young Avatar. Aang must be protected not only from powerful external forces but also from his internal own feelings. Despite of him being the last airbender and the spirit of the planet manifested in human form, she found him vulnerable. Lately, Katara had perceived that Aang was fighting against his own senses and she knew that this situation was turning aside his way.

While Aang was in his peaceful meditation, Katara observed him trying to understand why a boy had to rescue all the nations from the Fire Lord´s tyranny. She was so concentrated in him that she didn´t realize that he had just open his eyes.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” asked Aang.

I admire you. You´re so young and have the greatest responsibility in the whole world upon your shoulders,” she answered with tender eyes. 

“What happened to you? You are not like this. Are you losing your hope?” questioned Aang, looking straight into her eyes. 

“No! I will never loose hope but I don´t want to loose you,” she replied with an air of sadness.

“Katara, you will never loose me, Sokka and you are the family I never had, we are best friends, aren´t we?” he asked with a bewildered look on his face. 

“Yes...of course!” Katara responded, she shook her head and broke his gaze on her.  She added, “don´t you feel that you want to live another life?”

“Well... Most of time I miss the moments I spent with Monk Gyatso, he was my mentor and I learnt with him. 

Before I knew that I was the divine medium who has descended upon the mortal world, I was a child.  Now, I have to learn by myself, there is nobody there to help me, there is no way to help me, I am the only one and I really feel alone” Aang said while he walked with nervous steps. 

Katara watched him. Tears descended from his cheeks. She hugged him tightly and the arrow tattoos on Aang´s forehead and limbs started shining. She realized that she was feeling something else. However, she couldn´t find out what was happening to her. In her fourteen years, she had never felt so close to someone. Perhaps this feeling was due to the fact that they had strong things in common: she was the only waterbender left in the Southern Water Tribe and she understood how stressing was to be the only one of something. She desired to heal his spirit with her knowledge of bloodbending. But she couldn´t. 

“This is what I need, Katara. I need the peace that your love provides me,” he whispered.

1 comment:

  1. I loved it! it´s great to notice that we actually are able to write about things that are so connected with our own lives! It is really important for us to have the opportunity to express ourselves so freely as we learn how to write properly at the same time.
    I simply loved what Lucia has written!!

    Verónica Fernández.
